To get unique key, you have to go back to GOG and under the help options for NWN specifically, is request unique CD Key. It takes 1-2 days for them to email you unique keys. Yeah, pretty sure I told there was a chance you were a default key the other day, hon. Get Neverwinter Nights Diamond at the cheapest price. Pc cd key best video game prices comparison site. Prepare to Die Edition pc from $24.59-78% Minecraft pc from $0.90-96% GTA 5. Buy Neverwinter Nights Diamond pc cd key - compare prices. Price trends. 0 / 5 based on 0 reviews.
A CD key comes with each copy of and each. This 35-character alphanumeric code is used for authentication, both during installation of the game and when using the aspect of the game. The code for the base game is also used to validate. The key is entered during the game's installation and stored in the nwncdkey.ini file (if the key is accepted by the installer). When starting or joining a multiplayer game, the game's CD keys are authenticated by 's master server (if the master server is available).