Chocolatey For Windows

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  1. Chocolatey On Windows 10
  2. Chocolatey Git For Windows

This was the most apt [sic] title I could find for this tool. Anyhow, one of the major disadvantages of Windows is that there is no centralized package management tool the likes of which exist in Linux distributions and/or in the mobile world. For licensing reasons and whatnot, Windows Update only offers Microsoft software, forcing you to handle the rest more of less manually.

Chocolatey On Windows 10

Several programs have come to life, trying to address this gap. We've Ninite and Npackd in action, but they did not quite manage to replicate the simplicity and ease of use that exists in Linux. Now, there's a new product, and it's Chocolatey. Perhaps it can deliver where the rest have failed. Chocolatey in action The installation is relatively simple. You will need to execute a single line from a command prompt or a powershell, with administrative rights. Almost like using wget and piping the data into a program or an interpreter in Linux.

Chocolatey For WindowsFor

Chocolatey Git For Windows

@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command 'iex ((new-objectnet.webclient).DownloadString ('&& SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE% chocolatey bin Once this step is done, you can begin using Chocolatey from the command line. Yes, you got it. Command line. The binary is called choco, and it behaves like apt, yum or zypper, or any one of Linux package managers. Well, I decided to try this in, just to add extra drama. I was missing the Adobe Flash Player, so I took care of that.